Y’all, I feel like I’m the worst when it comes to finding inspiration for my blog. Obviously, I want to create content that’s relevant for my fantastic readers, but I also want to share parts of my daily life, what I’m experiencing as a college student, social work student, fashion enthusiast and somewhat hoarder (okay, it’s not that bad yet, but I have a lot of stuff).
But one thing I’ve had multiple people ask me one thing: How to stay inspired when it comes to blog posts?
Make Challenges for Yourself
I don’t know about you, but I’ve found that when I make challenges for myself, I’m more likely to want to defeat those challenges. As a way of challenging myself, I’ve decided to join in on NaBloPoMo (national blog posting month) and by day 4, I’ve already had feelings of throwing in the towel.
But as I’ve gotten started on this challenge, I’ve found myself more and more inspired. I’ve received more comments, more page views and social shares since starting this challenge, and while I don’t do this for the shares, it’s fun to have my readers more engaged in my writing.
Open Your Eyes to What is Around You
Did you guys see my post on my favorite binge watch TV shows from yesterday? That post was inspired by me loving the heck out of Netflix. Write about what you love! Write about what you experience on a daily basis. It makes you more relatable and shows that you’re a genuine person.
Today, I tweeted about how I haven’t washed my hair in a couple of days… So now I have the idea to do a roundup of my favorite dry shampoos (a product I use at least twice a week). Try new things! You never know what your readers will enjoy until you try it.
Make a Note of It
On my iPhone, I have a whole note dedicated to blog post topics/titles so that I always have something to write about! Create a private inspiration board on Pinterest filled with ideas! Have a place where you keep everything that has to do with your blog. I recently started using Microsoft OneNote as a way to keep track of every idea I have. I’ve even started working on an eCourse! If you don’t write down what inspires you, chances are, you’ll forget.
Ask Your Readers
ASK THEM. Listen to your readers about what they are wanting from you! There is never anything wrong with asking your readers what they might like to read on your blog. In fact, I did this earlier this week! When you ask your readers what they would like to hear or learn about, you’re giving them the unique opportunity to be involved with your creative process. How cool, am I right?
Truthfully, a lot of times I feel like I fail in the inspiration part. There are times where I don’t feel like posting because I don’t want to share something that isn’t “great” or “pinnable”. But in moments like this, I’m here to tell you: This is the time you need to be sharing your posts the most.
Chelsie Carr says
Yes! These are all great suggestions! I have a huge list of blog ideas running on my phone/evernote. I also love just reading blogs when I need some inspiration!
Courtney Kincaid says
Other blogs are a great way to gain inspiration! Especially when they’re from the same focus area (like lifestyle, food, etc.) because it gives you an idea of what their audience is looking for as well!
Chelsea says
These are great tips! Keeping a running list of things and ideas is a life saver when inspiration seems far away!
Emily @ Ideas of Emily says
Great ideas! I also use the notes app on my phone for blog post ideas. I agree about how when you’re not feeling inspired is really when you should be posting. Pushing through the off days is important because you’re bound to see something that re-energizes you eventually if you don’t give up!